Tuesday 6 March 2012



My friend Katie... (The beautiful one in the middle)

Is 18 in only a couple of weeks, i have been preparing this present for AGES. 

I have purchased the two Hunger Games books she has not got + a ticket (pre booked) for me her and Amber (the one on the right of that pretty picture) to go and see the Hunger Games on the day it premiers! 

As if i wasn't excited enough, i am looking forward to it so much...the music is also amazing for the movie!



Monday 5 March 2012

Introducing Kodi...

I haven't posted on this blog in far to long, the sad fact is I was actually consider deleting it... 

But I won't! 

I would like to introduce you to the amazing, the fluffy, the fat and the clumsy KODI!

He is a Samoyed
He is 6 years old...

when i walk him i feel like this 


Yes it is true...


Saturday 28 January 2012

Amazon is my savoir!

Originally when i started my blog i planned on it being similar to the tumblr one i previously had but that idea went done the toilet when my big sister (the lovely person that she is) sat of my camera, smashing the LCD screen!

But do not fear, last night i purchased a new one which should be here sometime next week so there will be a lot more posts and more high quality pictures to come!


Thursday 26 January 2012


Me in my BEAUTIFUL uniform (or my take on it anyway)

Right. Getting to the point, i have about 8 REALLY close friends and we do everything together. We sit at a table together at lunch that we had claimed as our own since 1st year. Well 1st year for them i only joined the group 2 years ago. Some of them i am closer to than others. 

I have also made friends with a couple of girls who are a year older than me but still go to my school. These girls asked me to sit with them at lunch, now after sitting with my friends for about 2 years now i was slightly conflicted. What would they think? Would they be mad? 

The answer?...Yes. They were mad. Well one of them was made the others never minded as i sat and laughed with my older friends. Feeling happy that i was even asked to join them at their table. And yes i am well aware this sounds childish. 

I never expected it to be a problem but apparently it was! I just don't understand why i can only be close with one group of friends. We are still close friends, i am just a little confused. 

With the Ceilidh getting close me and the girls(first group mentioned) are making plans. At the age of 16 you can guess especially as Scottish teenagers that we have all had experiences with alcohol but i never wanted to drink before this event and they did. So i organised plans just to meet them at the dance as i never wanted to partake in their 'fun'. I made plans with the other girls (the older ones) to join them also at the Ceilidh as they share my opinion on the fact that there are going to be teachers at the dance and most of the seniors shall be drinking, with the exception of us 'unfun' few. 

I am really looking forward to it. I am just praying that they do not take the drinking to far! 

Sooo now i am away late night shopping with my muma! 



Wednesday 25 January 2012

The Crucible, Water Colour and Bo'ness.

I got another new jacket!!!!! It's so nice!!! I love it!!! 

This morning my mother had to take away my duvet cover just to get me up! What can i say? I never have nor will i ever be a morning person.

After a hearty breakfast of toast on Nutella with chopped up banana (heaven in food form!) i dragged myself to the lovely place that is my School. Bo'ness Academy in all it's depressing glory. 

My day was slightly uneventful. Some gossip here and there. You know the usual 'she's shaggin him' (shaggin mean sex in Scottish slang) or the every favourite 'she was talking about *enter desired name here*'. I had a free period first and sat and drew, then i had Art then the dreaded double English. I mean do not get me wrong i do love English as a subject but my class 'do my nut in' (head) as they would say. 

I LOVE English and Art. My Art teacher is amazing! 

I emailed No.1 magazine about a possible internship so i shall keep y'all posted on that. 

I wanted to do a sort of day in the life of post, where i just tell you all about my day! My day in one word? Adequate. It wasn't amazing but it wasn't my usual crap day. 

Ok so let me give you a little information.

Bo'ness= a small town just outside edinburgh.   
Advantages: Close to Falkirk, Stirling, Edinburgh and Glasgow. (SHOPS!) 
Disadvantages: It is the sort of place where when you say 'i come from bo'ness' people automatically think 'Oh my God! She must be a nutcase'. Yup that sort of place. 

It's not to bad i just cannot wait to move to a City! 

Yup. That is Bo'ness for ya! What are my plans for tonight you ask? Why i have thee amazing Youth Theatre. Naah it's pretty good, i get to see the people i wouldn't normally see due to them working and me at school and it give me something to take my mind of stressing about School. I have no idea why i am justifying my going to Youth Theatre, but yeah it is pretty good! 

I am just uploading a post for my beauty blog, so if you read it that post will be up soon! 

I was thinking of a way to introduce this song to my blog but being completly honest this song needs no form of introduction. I listen to this song when i am feeling rubbish and have no motivation and somehow this song just makes me smile! When i hear it i think of sunny Australia and going to the beach. But not in Scotland. No, Scotland has no sun. Scotland has one beach- It is full of drink bottles and the water is freeeeezing! 

Beauty post will be up soon! 


P.s- Both my jacket is FAKE fur! I do NOT support wearing fur, in any circumstances! 

Tuesday 24 January 2012


Yay, new blog! That is really all i have done today...that and watch NCIS.

School is on study leave just now and seeing as how i have extra time due to illness, i am off!

We are back to school as normal tomorrow, so i get to see my friends and hear unwanted comments on my life. You know the kind of people i am talking about right? The ones that always feel the need to ask you:

'Why were you off?'
'Were you skiving?' (for those non Scottish Slag talking people skiving- skipping school)
'What did the doctors say?'
'You have lost so much weight!'
'You look to thin'
'You don't look that ill'
'Why do you get time of school and not the rest of us'

Yeh...those people! I don't mind answering questions but when it turns into an interrogation that is when i draw the line.

Today has been pretty much uneventful. I got up turned my laptop on and then...well...you get the picture!

I have been reading an amazing creation of a vampire series (Twilight, who?!) written by Chloe Neill you should check her out!

Also have had NCIS Season 4 on a loop for the past 4 days! I am in LOVE with Zivva! Just the whole Macho feminine thing is amazing. And her thick, long hair...a girl can dream!!

I am highly doubting anyone will actually read this but i enjoy blogging. It takes my mind of stressing about the little things!


New Blog!!

Hey guys!

On my beauty blog i have been posting personal blogs, so i figured i would start a new blog where i can put the personal stuff without anyone who just wants to read beauty having to read about my relatively boring life!

I will be posting soon!

P.S i am sooooo sorry that this looks like a really dark blog, believe me it is NOT! ahahaha!
