Tuesday 24 January 2012


Yay, new blog! That is really all i have done today...that and watch NCIS.

School is on study leave just now and seeing as how i have extra time due to illness, i am off!

We are back to school as normal tomorrow, so i get to see my friends and hear unwanted comments on my life. You know the kind of people i am talking about right? The ones that always feel the need to ask you:

'Why were you off?'
'Were you skiving?' (for those non Scottish Slag talking people skiving- skipping school)
'What did the doctors say?'
'You have lost so much weight!'
'You look to thin'
'You don't look that ill'
'Why do you get time of school and not the rest of us'

Yeh...those people! I don't mind answering questions but when it turns into an interrogation that is when i draw the line.

Today has been pretty much uneventful. I got up turned my laptop on and then...well...you get the picture!

I have been reading an amazing creation of a vampire series (Twilight, who?!) written by Chloe Neill you should check her out!

Also have had NCIS Season 4 on a loop for the past 4 days! I am in LOVE with Zivva! Just the whole Macho feminine thing is amazing. And her thick, long hair...a girl can dream!!

I am highly doubting anyone will actually read this but i enjoy blogging. It takes my mind of stressing about the little things!


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